Born under the vision of a young Burundian namely Bruce Niyonzima, Visit Burundi quickly rose to new heights and shiftily became the major gateway for tourism in Burundi. As of now, Visit Burundi is the official Burundi Tourism Bureau, and has been bearing some fruitful projects that have earned an international stance and promoted both the organization and the country.
Currently, from the 26th to the 27th of June, the organization is participating in the Pearl of Africa Tourism Expo, a regional tourism event that brings together stakeholders from different countries to showcase their products and services. In this article, we will explore how Visit Burundi is representing Burundi at the expo and what are some of the projects they are working on to boost the tourism sector in Burundi.
What does it mean for you guys to be among the participants in the Pearl Africa Tourism Expo?
It’s an honor and a pleasure to be invited to showcase #Burundidestination next to the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Tourism. It shows how the tourism sector in Burundi is developing.
What will be the added value for you as Visit Burundi to partake in such an event?
The Pearl of Africa Tourism Expo is East Africa’s flagship tourism event that brings together tourism stakeholders in an ideal meeting place to interact with exhibitors, buyers, investors and service providers in the tourism sector around the world. It’s an opportunity for Visit Burundi to create links and partnerships with other tourism promotion agencies in other countries.
How do you plan to promote Burundi during the event?
During the event, we planned to showcase Burundi through Made in Burundi products (arts and culture), videos, and images illustrating Burundi’s destination and tourist attractions. We have also branded materials such as flyers of different companies working in the tourism sector; as well as different areas of investment.
Do you currently have projects that you are working on?
Currently, we are continuing with the #TemberaUburundi campaign which consists of raising awareness among urban and rural populations with the aim of developing domestic tourism and eco-tourism. On May 20 and 21, 2023, we will launch the 5th edition which will take place in the province of Rutana.
Tourism in Burundi, a spark of hope?
Visit Burundi is one of the organizations that are working hard to promote Burundi as a tourist destination in East Africa and beyond. With the government having sparked a thin light of interest in the matter, can we expect a much more intentional approach in the promotion and the branding of Burundi?