Young Burundian poet based in Kenya, Eliseus Bamporineza has birthed a second poetry book whose poems deliver a message of comfort, hope, courage, and determination to those who love each other amid tribulations of this world or are rejected by their communities because their way of love challenges the status quo. In a country kissing or cuddling your lover in a public makes people raise their brows because it is seen as a public offense, his writings voice a call for awareness and a revolt to do away with societal standards that enslave us and prevent us from freely expressing our feelings and emotions.
While sexual act has been seen as benefitting only men, this book gives voice to both partners. It tells us that a fulfilling intercourse is not just about mere moaning. A woman can also express the pleasure she feels from arousal to the act and suggests styles that make her enjoy it better. While his Burundian society considers openly talking about sex as taboo, Eliseus doesn’t shy away from exploring sensuality, sexual attraction, and intimate relationship in most of his poems. He therefore invites other young people to take ownership their sexuality and speak out about their romantic drives and feelings.
Who is Eliseus Bamporineza? Quick bio
Born of a Burundian father and Rwandan mother, Eliseus Bamporineza is a Tujenge Africa Foundation (TAF) alumnus and African Leadership Academy-Master card Foundation (ALA – MCF) scholar, poet, and one of the beneficiaries of the Aspire Leaders Institute founded at Harvard University. Prior to joining USIU-Africa in August 2019, he attended a one-month pre-uni versity orientation program in July 2019 at the University of Rochester in New York, United States. He is currently in his fourth year of studies, pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations, concentrating on Foreign Policy and Diplomacy with a minor in Philosophy.
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Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/dp/9393734216/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/All-about-Her-Eliseus-Bamporineza-ebook/dp/B0BLHH84BG/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/in/en/ebook/all-about-her-and-me
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